Labeling is not always on our mind, yet it is an essential element in the supply chain process. The financial implications of insufficient labeling outweigh the labeling cost. Some things to consider when labeling include barcode scheme, label materials, and label placement.
The Barcode
First, identifying the barcode that works for all parties involved is necessary. Identify what data needs to be included for each partner involved in the warehousing and distribution process.
Label Material
Next, select which label material will be most effective for your operation considering all environments as well as the item. This is especially important in warehouse facilities. Many standard paper labels often cannot stand up to challenging environmental conditions found on the journey to the destination.

Lastly, consider where to place the label. Typically, placing labels at eye level and using identifiable colors, arrows, and easy to read fonts help increase efficiency and accuracy.
We Can Help
We can label your item before it reaches its destination, saving time, mistakes, and inventory. Labeling has more of an impact on business than most people realize. The cost to label is far outweighed by labor hours spent searching for inventory with insufficiently labeled goods.