  • 24/7 security and closed-circuit cameras
  • 40 load and receiving truck dock doors
  • 60 trailer and chassis parking spaces
  • Fire system with sprinklers
  • Multi-tenant space
  • Warehouse Space: Over 250,000 square feet of enclosed freight space

Warehouse Logistics


Solutions we provide include warehouse logistics, dry storage, food grade, indoor storage, and retail storage.

Our prime location makes receiving, dispatching, loading, and unloading of cargo smoother. We utilize top-notch equipment and cutting-edge technology to handle goods and communicate details. Whether your shipments arrive by rail or ship, LSID has the experience and resources to take care of your cargo from its arrival to the destination. We tailor our customized warehousing solutions to your specific needs.

Fill out this form to get a free quote or call us at (713) 227-2381 for more immediate service.